The science and safety of using ginger in BDSM

Who enjoys figging?
Figging has nothing to do with figs. It’s a sadomasochistic game that consists of inserting ginger root in the anus and, less often, in the vagina.
Although figging has a reputation for being quite painful, the sensation it produces is generally tolerable. It varies from a pleasant warmth to a burning pain. Some masochists find this sensation erotic for several reasons: its warmth, the fact that it’s experienced in an intimate place, and because of the feeling of vulnerability in evokes.
Responses to the chemicals in ginger root vary considerably from person to person, just like some people love spicy food and others hate it.
To enjoy figging, you should be completely comfortable with anal play and be able to wear butt-plugs without problem. You should also be familiar with pain, for example, to the point of being able to enjoy a hard spanking.
Experimenting with figging is not risky because the sensation decreases quickly the moment the ginger root is taken out of the anus. Therefore, it is possible to insert it for short periods of time to get familiar with it.
In another article, I explained how chili peppers can be used to increase the afterglow of a spanking. What is normally a feeling of warmth in the buttocks is increased by the capsaicin of the peppers to a burning sensation and a hypersensitivity to touch so strong that you cannot wear pants or panties or sit down.
Ginger is milder. Besides, the capsaicin of chili peppers gets readily absorbed into the skin and it is almost impossible to wash out, while the active compounds in ginger need to be constantly released from the root to maintain their effect.
The science of ginger
There are several compounds in ginger that give it its strong flavor and pungency. They have exotic names like zingerone, shogaol and gingerol. I will refer to them with the generic name of gingerols. They make up 1-3% of the weight of fresh ginger.
Thermal sensations like heat, coolness and cold are produced by a family of proteins known as TRP channels, which are present in the sensory nerves terminals in the skin. TRP stands for “transient receptor potential” (whatever that means). They form channels that, when open, let sodium and calcium ions into the sensory neurons. This depolarizes these neurons, causing them to fire action potentials that send a signal to the spinal cord, and from there to the brain.
For example, TRPV1 is the receptor for heat because high temperatures open its channel. It is present in sensory nerves that sense heat. TRPV1 is also activated (the channel is opened) by capsaicin, the active ingredient in chili peppers. That is why our mouth feels hot when we eat these peppers. It’s not that our mouth gets actually hot, but that our sensory nerves tell us that is hot. The heat is an illusion produced by capsaicin tricking our nerves. However, when TRPV1 channels get repeatedly activated, they can trigger an inflammation that will actually warm up the skin.
TRPM8 does the opposite: it is the receptor for cold. It is activated by menthol. That’s why menthol feels cool in our mouth and in our skin.
Gingerols activate another TRP channel: TRPA1. You may have noticed that spices like mustard, horseradish and wasabi have a pungency different from that of hot peppers: it is not hot and it gets into your nose. This sensation is mediated by TRPA1. Gingerols activate TRPA1 and TRPC5, another member of the TRP family.
Unlike TRPV1, the TRPA1 channel produces a cool sensation. Then why does ginger feel hot in the anus? As it turns out, gingerols are also able to activate TRPV1, the heat receptor, although in a different way than capsaicin. This explains why ginger produces a less intense heat sensation than hot peppers. Also, sometimes the TRPA1 protein binds to the TRPV1 protein, so that they mutually modulate their effect.
Figging produces two sensations: an initial coolness due to TRPA1 activation and a prolonged heat mediated by TRPV1.
Ginger is consumed as food, so is quite safe.
Gingerols not only are non-toxic, but have a variety of healing effects. Ginger is commonly used to treat nausea. Recent research shows that gingerols can be effective as anticancer, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, antioxidant, neuroprotective and gastroprotective medication.
The burning produced by ginger is milder and short lasting compared to that produced by capsaicin (hot peppers). Besides, while capsaicin is not water soluble, and hence impossible to wash away, gingerols are easier to eliminate. For most people, taking the ginger root out of the anus eliminates the worse part of the sensation.
Keeping ginger inside the anus for a long time triggers a mild inflammation that leaves the anus sensitive. If it becomes too strong, it may lead to hemorrhoids. However, hemorrhoids may be caused by the roughness of the ginger root and not by the gingerols, so using a good amount of lubricant when inserting it may prevent them. It is also a good idea to dilate the anus first with a dildo or a butt-plug, So it is already relaxed when the ginger root is inserted.
Keep these things in mind and don’t go overboard.
Some people may be allergic to ginger, but they can find out by eating ginger first. Ginger may also “interact with some medication, including the anticoagulant drug warfarin and the cardiovascular drug nifedipine.”
How to do figging
Buy a piece of ginger root at the supermarket, selecting carefully the shape more suited for this purpose. It’s better if it is fairly straight and has a large knob or branch at one end to act like the base of a butt-plug. This will prevent the piece of ginger from getting lost in the rectum, which could mean an embarrassing visit to the ER. The girth is also important, but a root that is too wide can be trimmed down with a knife.
Using a knife, strip the skin of the root in all the length that you are planning to insert. Leave the skin in the part that will act as the base, so ginger juice does not get into your hand. Cut away any irregularities and smooth out the end of the finger of ginger. Be careful not to leave any flakes attached to the root, because they may stay in the anus and prolong the sensation when you take the root out. Also, watch out for weaknesses that make cause the ginger to break and get lost inside.
Cover the ginger with lube before inserting it in the anus. The lube may prevent some of the gingerols from getting into the skin, but this may actually be good for a novice. Not putting lube on the ginger will produce some abrasion in the anus's mucosa when it is inserted, leading to a stronger irritation.
Some of the games that I propose below require the recipient to move around with the ginger inserted. Obviously, the ginger root will not stay inside by itself. Tight pants or underwear may help. You can also use a leather harness with straps going over the anus to keep in place. Or you can make a harness with rope. A small towel between the strap or rope and the piece of ginger will help to keep it in place.
In women, the ginger can be inserted into the vagina instead of the anus. You can also cut a small piece of ginger and insert it between the labia or put it on the clit. Experiment carefully and find what you like.
What does figging feels like?
Initially, you will feel a cool sensation, which is quite pleasant. After a few minutes, the coolness turns into warmth, which increases progressively until it becomes a burning sensation. Knowing that the burning is an illusion and that nothing bad is actually happening to your ass may help at this point.
Contracting the anus will increase the burning until it is hardly bearable. Keeping your sphincters relaxed will make it tolerable. Since one tends to contract the anus involuntarily, this soon becomes a devilish torment that keeps your attention focused on your butt.
If the sensation becomes unbearable, taking out the ginger will get rid of the worse of it. Otherwise, the burning sensation will peak in 15-30 minutes, then slowly fade away. It can be brought back to full intensity by taking out the ginger root and shaving its outer layers with a knife. This will cause the ginger to leak out more gingerols.
If a long piece of ginger is used, the hot sensation can be felt deep inside the rectum.
In my experience, ginger has very little effect on the gland of the penis or on the nipples.
Mind-fucking games with figging
In BDSM, mind-fucking is a series of games that the top plays to put the bottom in a state of defeat, vulnerability, loss of control, uncertainty and submission. It is a difficult art to master.
The top takes the bottom on a mental trip by manipulating pain and pleasure, and also powerful emotions like fear, surprise, shame and surrender. Like in a movie or a roller-coaster ride, the emotions should be strong but not overwhelming.
Two things about figging can serve to assert power over a submissive.
The first is that it produces a strong burning sensation in a very intimate part of the body.
The second is that this sensation increases considerably when the sphincters are is contracted.
Contracting the anus is an involuntary response to both pleasure and pain. Hence, any pain given to the bottoms leads to an additional pain in their anus, while trying not to contract the anus makes them more vulnerable to the pain. Conversely, pleasuring the bottoms puts them in a predicament between enjoying themselves and having to withstand the pain in the anus, or focusing on not contracting the anus and not being distracted from the pleasure.
Here are some mind-fucks that can be done with figging:
Caning with figging. After each cane stroke, the pain will make the bottom contract the anus, which will increase the burning sensation of figging. Alternatively, if the bottoms focus on not contracting the anus, that makes them lower their guard to the pain of the cane stroke. Either way, they lose.
A vibrator or receiving oral sex while figged. The submissive will find herself caught in the predicament between enjoying the pleasure or staying alert to not contract the anus.
Doing chores while figged. A complicated task is given to the submissive, with the admonition that the ginger will not come out until it is completed to the satisfaction of the dominant. The bottom gets torn between rushing to finish the task, paying attention to do it right, and the constant distraction in their anus.
Giving oral sex while being figged. The burning in the anus will be a powerful distraction, but a good submissive should provide excellent service, regardless. Otherwise, the ginger may need to stay in a bit longer, wouldn’t it?
Fucking while being figged. A male bottom is made to fuck his mistress with a piece of ginger up his ass. The fucking is for her pleasure. He’d better keep that in mind and not squeeze his ass, or he would play an instant price. Also, he may find his orgasm spoiled since ejaculation is accompanied by strong anal contractions.
Being fucked while being figged. The ginger root creates a nice double-penetration. At the same time, the bottom is torn between the conflicting pleasure and pain. Her orgasm will be interesting.
Anal sex after figging. Figging sensitizes the anus, so getting fucked there awakens new sensations and vulnerability.
Chastity by figging the clitoris. Women may find that, after having a piece of ginger on their clit, it becomes so sensitive that masturbating becomes unpleasant or even impossible for a while. At the same time, they become acutely aware of the presence of their clit. The dominant may choose to apply the ginger at intervals short enough to keep her horny and unsatisfied.