Julio and Cecilia make their kinky fantasies real in the park in Paris where Story of O begins
Excerpt of my novel Games of Love and Kink

From the Porte d’Orleans, Boulevard Jourdan climbed up a long incline to the Park of Montsouris. The sky was full of puffy clouds that hid the sun from time to time, carried by a light wind.
Cecilia took Julio by the arm and hummed a melody.
“What a beautiful tune! What is it?”
“Don’t you remember?”
“Not really.”
“It’s the theme of Story of O.”
“You have quite a memory! You only listened to it once, in that movie.”
“I have an excellent memory for music. When I hear something I like, it stays with me.”
She kept on humming while she danced around Julio, making her skirt fly. He laughed, took her hands and whirled with her.
They ventured into the park through a gate in its corner. It was nice and well-tended. The grass shone with the green freshness of summer. There were a variety of trees: oaks, chestnuts, pines, firs and others whose names she didn’t know.
A deep trench split the park in two. They followed it to a small bridge that crossed it. At the bottom of the trench there were railways and the platforms of a train station under construction. On the other side, stairs and ramps descended to a large pond. Wild ducks swam in it, taking flight with a noisy beating of wings, skidding on the water when they landed. They walked around the pond holding hands.
There was a sculpture of a group of men carrying a dead lion on their shoulders.

Further down there was another statue of a faun caressing the hair of a shepherdess with naked breasts. The faun and the girl looked at each other with mischievous smiles.

“I wish we had erotic statues like this in Madrid,” she said. “Instead of fascist symbols and generals on horses.”
Julio span her around by pulling on her hair and kissed her.
At the end of the pond there was a man-made brook, which began in a beautiful waterfall between rocks and trees. They went up a semicircular ramp that surrounded the rocks and the waterfall to a wide terrace overlooking the pond.
“Everything is so sensual in this park!” she said. “No wonder they chose it for the beginning of Story of O.”
“And look! There come O and René.”
Julio pointed with his chin to a young couple. The girl wore a tight miniskirt and high heels; the man, a light summer suit. He had taken off his tie and undone the top buttons of his shirt. In his hand he carried a switch. From time to time, he hit the naked legs of the girl with it, who hopped in pain and then laughed.
She put her arm around Julio’s waist, her eyes fixed on the couple.
“We are not the only ones to have this idea. Do you think you can get a switch like that?”
“I don’t think that it would be too difficult.”
They continued on a path that led back to the future train station. Looking over a handrail imitating tree branches, they saw a much deeper trench, also with rails at the bottom.

They seemed abandoned. Julio considered the steep slope of dirt and rocks that descended to its edge.
He took her by the hand and led her back down the trail to a place where the slope was less steep. He jumped over the handrail.
“Hey, are you sure? It must be forbidden to jump the handrail.”
“Don’t worry, we won’t be seen down there. Come on, hurry up!”
They went down the slope between some large trees. She stepped over fallen branches, careful not to slip on the dry leaves that covered the ground. To the right, stone blocks covered with moss and ferns formed an irregular wall under the trail, with deep gushes and odd corners.
“Wait for me here.”
Julio left her in a place where the rocks made a roof over her head, hiding her from the trail above. Lush trees and bushes hid them in all other directions.

Julio walked into the bushes. She saw him select a long straight branch, cut it with his pocket knife, and strip the leaves and side sprouts. The result was a three foot long switch.
He returned to her side and made the switch whistle in the air to test its suppleness.
“That looks like it will hurt a lot!”
Her heart raced.
“Didn’t you want me to get a switch like the one that guy had? And look, this place looks like a dungeon!”
“Yes, this is just what we were looking for.” She tried to sound braver than she felt.
Julio hugged her, whispering in her ear:
“Give me your panties.”
They had done that before, but even so, her heart quivered in her chest. Still, she obeyed, pulling down her panties with shaking hands. Julio stuffed them in his pocket.
He opened his switchblade. She took a step back.
“Don’t be afraid, I am not going to cut you!”
“I know! It’s just that knives freak me out.”
“This is what they did to O in that car.”
He undid two buttons of her blouse. She felt the cold steel touch her shoulder; a snap when he cut the strap of her bra. He did the same on the other shoulder, then slid the knife between her breasts to cut the bra there. Pulling on one of the cups, he got it out from under her shirt. Instinctively, she crossed her arms over her chest.
“My shirt is see-through.”
“No big deal, the French are used to that. Shall we go on?”
“No, wait! Hug me first.”
“You are trembling, girl! Come on, calm down.”
He hugged her, stroking her back.
“Don’t worry, I won’t chicken out… Just give me a moment… Everything is happening so fast!”
“Take your time, we have all afternoon.”
Julio lifted the back of her skirt. She felt his avid hands on her naked buns. She pushed against him to feel the bump of his hard-on.
“I think I’m ready,” she muttered.
Julio tucked her skirt into the waistband to leave her bottom exposed.
“Turn around, put your hand on the wall, and stick your bottom out.”
She found a place for her hands in the coarse rock in front of her, put her feet slightly apart and lifted her bottom. She didn’t want to disappoint him.
The cold air on her buttocks made her acutely aware of her vulnerability.
She heard the whistle of the switch cutting through the air. A searing line cut across her butt. The next lash came almost immediately, the pain adding to the previous one. It took her breath away. Involuntarily, she swung her hips forward to escape the switch, stomping her feet.
“Ow! No, please! Not so fast!” she moaned.
“Okay, I’m sorry… Let me know when you are ready.”
It was harder now that she knew what was coming.
“All right… Now.”
The third lash was less hard. Fear and pain gave way to excitement about her nakedness, her indecent posture, and having to endure Julio’s whims.
After six lashes, she lost count. Although Julio was hitting her less hard and spaced the strokes, it still hurt. It hurt a lot! Several times she had to break her stance, pushed forward by the searing pain. But then she stuck out her bottom again. Because she didn’t want to disappoint him. Because she liked that he could hurt her so much. Especially in the lower part of her buttocks, near her thighs, where she felt most vulnerable.
It was exciting, but she didn’t know how long she could endure.
“Well, I think that’s enough,” said Julio.
He hugged her and pulled down her skirt, hiding a map of stinging lines crisscrossing her bottom. He kissed her. She responded passionately.
“It hurt, didn’t it?”
“A lot.”
“I noticed. But I liked the way you accepted it, the way you surrendered to me. I love you, Cecilia. I love you a lot!”
“And I love you! I want you to make me yours. Please take my virginity. I’ve made you wait far too long.”
“Not here. In the hotel.”
“Of course.”
He whispered in her ear:
“Before I take your virginity, I will whip you with this switch again. I want your bottom to be in flames when I enter you for the first time.”
“Yes, that’s what I deserve! To feel pain while you enjoy me.”
“I’m very proud of you. How you endure the pain and give yourself to me.”
Julio took her hand and helped her climb back the slope and jump over the fence.
They strolled in the park, Julio’s arm around her waist, the switch in his other hand. She shook a little, even though it wasn’t cold. She felt naked and her bottom smarted, particularly where Julio’s hand laid on her skirt, possessively. Her erect nipples pushed against the thin fabric of her shirt and attracted the looks of the men that crossed their path.
She was just a sexual being, tamed, exposed, meant for pleasure.
It had been like being in Roissy, a harsh lashing that left her soft and compliant.
She didn’t expect that Julio was going to hurt her so much.
She didn’t expect that she was going to like it so much.
She could barely wait to arrive at the hotel, so that Julio could finish taking possession of her. They had waited far too long, but it was worth it, to have this marvelous experience, in this magical place, on such a perfect summer day.