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Publicaciones científicas​

​Artículos publicados en revistas científicas con "peer-review".

Transporte de neurotransmisores

  1. Marvizón, J.C.G., F. Mayor, Jr., M.C. Aragón, C. Giménez and F. Valdivieso. L-Aspartate transport into plasma membrane vesicles derived from rat brain synaptosomes. J. Neurochem. 37: 1401-1406, 1981.

  2. Mayor, F., Jr., J.C.G. Marvizón, M.C. Aragón, C. Giménez and F. Valdivieso. Glycine transport into plasma membrane vesicles derived from rat brain synaptosomes. Biochem. J. 198: 534-541, 1981.

  3. Aragón, M.C., C. Giménez, F. Mayor, Jr., J.C.G. Marvizón and F. Valdivieso. Tyrosine transport by membrane vesicles isolated from rat brain. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 646: 465-470, 1981.

Receptores de neurotransmisores: glicina, GABA y NMDA

  1. Marvizón, J.C.G., J. Vázquez, M. García Calvo, F. Mayor, Jr., A. Ruiz Gómez, F. Valdivieso and J. Benavides. The glycine receptor: pharmacological studies and mathematical modeling of the allosteric interaction between the glycine- and the strychnine-binding sites. Mol. Pharmacol. 30: 590-597, 1986.

  2. Marvizón, J.C.G., M. García Calvo, J. Vázquez, F. Mayor, Jr., A. Ruiz Gómez, F. Valdivieso and J. Benavides. Activation and inhibition of [3H]strychnine binding to the glycine receptor by Eccles' anions: modulatory effect of cations. Mol. Pharmacol. 30: 598-602, 1986.

  3. Marvizón, J.C.G. and P. Skolnick. Enhancement of t-[35S]Butylbicyclophosphorothionate and [3H]strychnine binding by monovalent anions reveals similarities between g-aminobutyric acid- and glycine-gated chloride channels. J. Neurochem. 50: 1632-1639, 1988.

  4. Alonso, T., R.O. Morgan, J.C.G. Marvizón, H. Zarbl and E. Santos. Malignant transformation by ras and other oncogenes produces common alterations in phosphoinositide signaling pathways. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 85: 4271-4275, 1988.

  5. Marvizón, J.C.G. and P. Skolnick. [3H]Glycine binding is modulated by Mg+2 and other ligands of the NMDA receptor-cation channel complex. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 151: 157-58, 1988.

  6. Marvizón, J.C.G. and P. Skolnick. Anion regulation of [3H]strychnine binding to glycine-gated chloride channels is explained by the presence of two anion binding sites. Mol. Pharmacol. 34: 806-813, 1988.

  7. Marvizón, J.C.G., A. Lewin and P. Skolnick. 1-Amino-cyclopropane carboxylic acid: a potent and selective ligand for the glycine modulatory site of the N-methyl-D-Aspartate receptor complex. J. Neurochem. 52: 992-994, 1989.

  8. Ruiz-Gómez, A., M. García-Calvo, J. Vázquez, J.C.G. Marvizón, F. Valdivieso and F. Mayor, Jr. Thermodynamics of agonist and antagonist interaction with the strychnine-sensitive glycine receptor. J. Neurochem. 52: 1775-1780, 1989.

  9. Skolnick, P., J.C.G. Marvizón, B. W. Jackson., J. A. Monn, K. C. Rice and A. Lewin. Blockade of N-methyl-D-aspartate induced convulsions by 1-aminocyclopropane-carboxylates. Life Sci. 45: 1647-1655, 1989.

  10. Marvizón, J.C.G., and P. Skolnick. An endogenous modulator of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor-coupled glycine receptors. Eur. J. Pharmacol. Mol. Pharmacol. 188: 23-32, 1990.

  11. Ruiz-Gómez, A., C. Fernández-Shaw, E. Morato, J. C. G. Marvizón, J. Vázquez, F. Valdivieso, F. Mayor, Jr. Sulfydryl groups modulate the allosteric interaction between glycine binding sites at the inhibitory glycine receptor. J. Neurochem. 56: 1690-1697, 1991.

  12. Shahi, K., J.C.G. Marvizón and M. Baudry. High concentrations of glycine induce long-lasting changes in synaptic efficacy in rat hippocampal slices. Neurosci. Lett. 149: 185-188, 1993.

  13. Marvizón, J.C.G., and M. Baudry. NMDA receptor activation by spermine requires glutamate but not glycine. Eur. J. Pharmacol. Mol. Pharmacol. 244: 103-104, 1993.

  14. Lewin, A. H., P. Skolnick, J.C.G. Marvizón, I. A. Paul and J. P. Bowen. Requirements for high affinity binding of glycine analogs to the glycine site of the NMDA receptor complex. Eur. J. Pharmacol. Mol. Pharmacol. 247: 1-10, 1993.

  15. Marvizón, J.C.G., and M. Baudry. Receptor activation by two agonists: Analysis by non-linear regression and application to N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors. Anal. Biochem 213: 3-11, 1993.

  16. Marvizón, J.C.G., and M. Baudry. [3H]Dizocilpine association kinetics distinguish stimulatory and inhibitory polyamine sites of N-Methyl-D-Aspartate receptors. J. Neurochem. 63: 963-971, 1994.

  17. Marvizón, J.C.G., and M. Baudry. Allosteric interactions and modulator requirement for NMDA receptor function. Eur. J. Pharmacol. Mol. Pharmacol. 269: 165-175, 1994.

Neuropéptidos que regulan el dolor: substancia P, CGRP, BDNF y endorfinas

  1. Marvizón, J.C.G., V. Martínez, E.F. Grady, N.W. Bunnett and E.A. Mayer. Neurokinin 1 receptor internalization in spinal cord slices induced by dorsal root stimulation is mediated by NMDA receptors. J. Neurosci. 17: 8129-8136, 1997.

  2. Marvizón, J.C.G., S. Eskandari, H. Ennes and E.A. Mayer. Substance P induces brief, localized increases in [Ca2+]i in dorsal horn neurons. NeuroReport 9 (15): 3369-3374, 1998.

  3. Marvizón, J.C.G., E.F. Grady, E. Stefani, N.W. Bunnett and E.A. Mayer. Substance P release in the dorsal horn assessed by receptor internalization: NMDA receptors counteract a tonic inhibition by GABAB receptors. Eur. J. Neurosci. 11: 417-426, 1999.

  4. Marvizón, J.C.G., E.F. Grady, J. Wazsak-McGee and E. Mayer. Internalization of m-opioid receptors in rat spinal cord slices. NeuroReport 10 (11): 2329-2334, 1999.

  5. McRoberts, J.A., S.V. Coutinho, J.C.G. Marvizon, E.F. Grady, M. Tognetto, J.N. Sengupta, H.S. Ennes, V.V. Chaban, S. Amadesi, Ch. Creminon, T. Lanthorn, P. Geppetti, N.W. Bunnett, and E.A. Mayer. Role of peripheral N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors in visceral nociception in rats. Gastroenterology 120: 1737-1748, 2001.

  6. I.J. Lever, E.J. Bradbury, J.R. Cunningham, D.W. Adelson, M.G. Jones, S.B. McMahon, J.C.G. Marvizon and M. Malcangio. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor is released in the dorsal horn by distinctive patterns of nociceptor stimulation. J. Neurosci. 21 (12): 4469-4477, 2001.

  7. Marvizón, J.C.G., J. McRoberts, H.S. Ennes, B. Song, X. Wang, L. Jinton, B. Corneliussen and E. A. Mayer. Two NMDA receptors in rat dorsal root ganglia with different subunit composition and localization. J. Comp. Neurol. 446: 325-341, 2002.

  8. Wang, X., and J.C.G. Marvizón. Time-course of the internalization and recycling of neurokinin 1 receptors in rat dorsal horn neurons. Brain Res. 944: 239-247, 2002.

  9. Marvizón, J.C.G., X. Wang, Y. Matsuka, J.K. Neubert and I. Spigelman. Relationship between capsaicin-evoked substance P release and NK1 receptor internalization in the rat dorsal horn. Neuroscience 118 (2): 535-545, 2003.

  10. Song, B., and J.C.G. Marvizon. Peptidases prevent mu-opioid receptor internalization in dorsal horn neurons by endogenously released opioids. J. Neurosci. 23: 1847-1858, 2003.

  11. Song, B., and J.C.G. Marvizón. Dorsal horn neurons firing at high frequency, but not primary afferents, release opioid peptides that produce mu-opioid receptor internalization in the rat spinal cord. J. Neurosci. 23: 9171-9184, 2003.

  12. Lao, L.J., Song, B. and J.C.G. Marvizón. Neurokinin release produced by capsaicin acting on the central terminals and axons of primary afferents: relationship with NMDA and GABAB receptors. Neuroscience 121: 667-680, 2003.

  13. Marvizón, J.C.G., X. Wang, L. Lao and B. Song. Effect of peptidases on the ability of exogenous and endogenous neurokinins to produce neurokinin 1 receptor internalization in the rat spinal cord. Br. J. Pharmacol. 140: 1389-1398, 2003.

  14. Lao L., and J.C.G. Marvizón. GABAA receptor facilitation of neurokinin release from primary afferent terminals in the rat spinal cord. Neuroscience 130: 1013-1027, 2005.

  15. Kondo, I., J.C.G. Marvizón, B. Song, F. Salgado, S. Codeluppi, X.-Y. Hua and T. Yaksh. Inhibition by spinal m- and d-opioid agonists of afferent-evoked substance P release. J. Neurosci. 25: 3651-3660, 2005.

  16. Cottrell,G.S., D. Roosterman, J.C. Marvizon, B. Song, E. Wick, S. Pikios, H. Wong, C. Berthelier, Y. Tang, C. Sternini, C.W. Tam, S.D. Brain, N.W. Bunnett, E. Grady. Localization of calcitonin receptor-like receptor and receptor activity modifying protein 1 in enteric neurons, dorsal root ganglia, and the spinal cord of the rat. J. Comp. Neurol. 490: 235-255, 2005.

  17. Song, B., and J.C.G. Marvizón. NMDA receptors and large conductance calcium-sensitive potassium channels inhibit the release of opioid peptides that induce m-opioid receptor internalization in the rat spinal cord. Neuroscience 136: 549-562, 2005.

  18. Bradesi, S. , E. Kokkotou, S. Simeonidis, S. Patierno, H.S. Ennes, Y. Mittal, J.A. McRoberts, G. Ohning, J.C.G. Marvizon, C. Sternini, C. Pothoulakis and E.A. Mayer. The role of neurokinin 1 receptors in the maintenance of visceral hyperalgesia induced by repeated stress in rats. Gastroenterology 130: 1729-1742, 2006.

  19. Song, B., W. Chen and J.C.G. Marvizon. Inhibition of opioid release in the rat spinal cord by serotonin 5-HT1A receptors. Brain Res. 1158: 57-62, 2007.

  20. Marvizon, J.C.G., O.A. Perez, B. Song, W. Chen, N.W. Bunnett, E.F. Grady and A.J. Todd. Calcitonin Receptor-Like Receptor and Receptor Activity Modifying Protein 1 in the rat dorsal horn: localization in excitatory presynaptic terminals containing opioids and adrenergic α2C receptors. Neuroscience 148: 250-265, 2007.

  21. Chen, W., B. Song, L. Lao, O.A. Perez, W. Kim and J.C.G. Marvizon. Comparing analgesia and µ-opioid receptor internalization produced by intrathecal enkephalin: Requirement for peptidase inhibition. Neuropharmacology 53: 664-667, 2007.

  22. Lao, L., B. Song, W. Chen and J.C.G. Marvizon. Noxious mechanical stimulation evokes the segmental release of opioid peptides that induce µ-opioid receptor internalization. Brain Res. 1197: 85-93, 2008.

  23. Chen, W., B. Song, G. Zhang and J.C.G. Marvizon. Effects of veratridine and high potassium on µ-opioid receptor internalization in the rat spinal cord: stimulation of opioid release versus inhibition of internalization. J. Neurosci. Methods 170: 285-293, 2008.

  24. Chen, W., B. Song and J.C.G. Marvizón. Inhibition of opioid release in the rat spinal cord by α2C adrenergic receptors. Neuropharmacology 54: 944-953, 2008.

  25. Chen, W., and J.C.G. Marvizón. Acute inflammation induces segmental, bilateral, supraspinally mediated opioid release in the rat spinal cord, as measured by µ-opioid receptor internalization. Neuroscience 161: 157-172, 2009.

  26. Adelson, D.W., L. Lao, G. Zhang, W. Kim and J.C.G. Marvizón. Substance P release and neurokinin 1 receptor activation in the rat spinal cord increases with the firing frequency of C-fibers. Neuroscience 161: 538-553, 2009. PMC2692762

  27. Marvizon, J.C.G., W. Chen, and N. Murphy. Enkephalins, dynorphins and β-endorphin in the rat dorsal horn: an immunofluorescence colocalization study. J. Comp. Neurol. 517: 51-68, 2009. PMC2924145

  28. Zhang G., W. Chen, L. Lao and J.C.G. Marvizon. Cannabinoid CB1 receptor facilitation of substance P release in the rat spinal cord, measured as neurokinin 1 receptor internalization. Eur. J. Neurosci. 31: 225-237, 2010. PMC2857979

  29. Chen W., G. Zhang and J.C.G. Marvizon. NMDA receptors in primary afferents require phosphorylation by Src family kinases to induce substance P release in the rat spinal cord. Neuroscience 166: 924-934, 2010. PMC2837134

  30. Ao Y, M. Ko, A. Chen, J.C. Marvizon, D.W. Adelson, M.K. Song, L.W. Go, L.L. Liu, H. Yang. Potent hyperglycemic and hyperinsulinemic effects of thyrotropin-releasing hormone microinjected into the rostroventrolateral medulla and abnormal responses in type 2 diabetic rats. Neuroscience 169: 706-719, 2010. PMC3896326

  31. Chen, W., G. Zhang and J.C.G. Marvizon. Src family kinases mediate the inhibition of substance P release in the spinal cord by µ-opioid receptors and GABAB receptors, but not α2 adrenergic receptors. Eur. J. Neurosci. 32: 963-973, 2010. PMC2942982

  32. McRoberts J.A., Ennes H., Marvizon J.C.G., Fanselow M., Mayer E.A., Vissel B. Selective knockdown of NMDA receptors in primary afferent neurons decreases pain during phase 2 of the formalin test. Neuroscience 172: 474-482, 2011. PMC3010451

  33. Taylor B. K., W. Fu, K.E. Kuphal, C.-O. Stiller, M.K. Winter, W. Chen, G.F. Corder, J.H. Urban, K.E. McCarson, and J.C. Marvizon. Inflammation enhances Y1 receptor signaling, neuropeptide Y-mediated inhibition of hyperalgesia, and substance P release from primary afferent neurons. Neuroscience 256:178-194, 2014. PMC4363128

  34. Chen W, J. A. McRoberts, J.C.G. Marvizón. µ-Opioid receptor inhibition of substance P release from primary afferents disappears during neuropathic pain but not inflammatory pain. Neuroscience 267: 67-82, 2014. PMC3998911

  35. Chen W., W. Walwyn, H. Ennes, J.A. McRoberts, J.C.G. Marvizón. BDNF released by microglia during neuropathic pain potentiates NMDA receptors in primary afferent terminals. Eur. J. Neurosci. 39: 1439-1454, 2014. PMC4122572

Dolor crónico

  1. Marvizón JC, Walwyn W, Minasayan A, Chen W, Taylor BK. Latent Sensitization: a model for stress-sensitive chronic pain. Current Protocols in Neuroscience 71: 9.50.1-9.50.14, 2015. PMC4532319

  2. Walwyn W., W. Chen, H. Kim, A. Minasayan, H. Ennes, J.A. McRoberts, J.C. Marvizón. Sustained suppression of hyperalgesia during latent sensitization by µ, δ and κ opioid receptors and α2A adrenergic receptors - role of constitutive activity. J. Neurosci. 36: 204-221, 2016. PMC4701961

  3. Chen W., H.S. Ennes, J.A. McRoberts, J.C. Marvizón. Mechanisms of µ-opioid receptor inhibition of NMDA receptor-induced substance P release in the rat spinal cord. Neuropharmacology 128: 255-268, 2018. PMC5726399

  4. Chen W, Taché Y, Marvizon JCG. Corticotropin Releasing Factor in the brain and blocking spinal descending signals induce hyperalgesia in the latent sensitization model of chronic pain. Neuroscience 381: 149-158, 2018. PMC5962032

  5. Severino, A, W Chen, J K Hakimian, B Kieffer, C Gaveriaux-Ruff, W Walwyn, J C Marvizon. Mu-opioid receptors in nociceptive afferents produce a sustained suppression of hyperalgesia in chronic pain. Pain 159: 1607-1620, 2018. PMC6053329 Full text

  6. Marvizon, J C, W Chen, W Fu and B K Taylor. Neuropeptide Y release in the rat spinal cord measured with Y1 receptor internalization is increased after nerve injury. Neuropharmacology 158: 107732, 2019.

  7. Chen, W, J C Marvizón. A Src family kinase maintains latent sensitization in rats, a model of inflammatory and neuropathic pain. Brain Res 1746: 146999 (2020). Biorxiv

  8. Chen, W, J C Marvizón. Neurokinin 1 receptor activation in the rat spinal cord maintains latent sensitization, a model of inflammatory and neuropathic chronic pain. Neuropharmacology 177: 108253 (2020). Biorxiv

  9. Chen, W, J A McRoberts, H S Ennes, J C Marvizon. cAMP signaling through protein kinase A and Epac2 induces substance P release in the rat spinal cord. Neuropharmacology 189: 108533 (2021) PMC8577816

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